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Santa Barbara County Court Records

Santa Barbara County court records are official documents and files generated by the County Superior Court during case prosecutions. Typically, Santa Barbara County court records encompass documents from civil, criminal, probate, small claims, family law, juvenile, traffic, and appeal cases. California Court records information include:

  • Case Dockets
  • Case Type
  • Names of the parties involved
  • Case Filings
  • Case Summaries
  • Hearing Dates
  • Court Appearances
  • Case Status.

Court records generally play vital roles in the administration of justice by ensuring accountability, transparency, and equity. Additionally, individuals in the legal profession can reference court records as guidance for similar cases in the future.

Are Court Records Public in Santa Barbara County?

Santa Barbara court records are public. Under the California Public Records Act (CPRA), all government records in the custody of state and local agencies are available to interested individuals on request at reasonable times, subject to the right of privacy of individuals.

However, the CPRA exempts certain records from public access. Title 2, division, chapter 2 of the California Rules of Court, restricts access to the following Santa Barbara County court records from public scrutiny:

  • Sealed records
  • Juvenile records
  • Victims information
  • Mental Health Records
  • Attorney-client information
  • Adoption records
  • Records protected under state or federal laws
  • Family Law financial information
  • Probate conservatorship records.

Note: Exempted records are accessible to people with tangible interests (such as the owners of the records, people with court orders, or authorized government agencies).

Santa Barbara County Court Records Search

The easiest way to search court records is through online resources. Santa Barbara County court records are available through government and third-party websites. To access Santa Barbara County court records, log in to the custodian agency's website or visit a third-party website with a database of the required records. Interested persons can also access records offline through the custodian’s office. Requesters may need to call, fax, mail, or visit the agency to access Court records.

Santa Barbara County Court Records Search by Name

A name-based search for Santa Barbara County court records is a common option for obtaining records. To perform a name-based search for any kind of records, log in to the records repository and select the name option when prompted for a choice of search criteria. Also, include the name of the records owner or case name if the request for records is offline. Note that a search for Santa Barbara County court records may involve fee payments, and requesters may need valid IDs.

Santa Barbara County Courts

The Santa Barbara Superior Court is split into different divisions with varying jurisdictions over civil and criminal cases. For instance, the criminal division handles felony and misdemeanor cases, while the civil division is further split into probate, family, small claims, juvenile, and traffic divisions. The list below outlines the Superior Court divisions in Santa Barbara County:

Santa Barbara County Superior Court - Anacapa Division
1100 Anacapa Street, P.O. Box 21107
Santa Barbara, CA 93121
Phone: (805) 882-4520
Fax: (805) 882-4519

Santa Barbara County Superior Court - Cook Division
312-C East Cook Street
Santa Maria, CA 93456
Phone: (805) 614-6414
Fax: (805) 614-6616

Santa Barbara County Superior Court - Figueroa Division
118 East Figueroa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Phone: (805) 568-3959
Fax: (805) 882-4647

Santa Barbara County Superior Court - Lompoc Division
115 Civic Center Plaza
Lompoc, CA 93436
Phone: (805) 737-7789
Fax: (805) 737-5440

Santa Barbara County Superior Court - Miller Division
312 East Cook Street, Building E
Santa Maria, CA 93454
Phone: (805) 614-6590
Fax: (805) 614-6591

Santa Barbara County Superior Court - Santa Barbara Juvenile Court
1108 Santa Barbara Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Phone: (805) 614-6587
Fax: (805) 614-6581

Santa Barbara County Superior Court - Santa Barbara Pre-Trial Services
County Jail
4434 Calle Real
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Phone: (805) 681-5645
Fax: (805) 681-5641

Santa Barbara County Superior Court - Santa Maria Juvenile Court
4285 California Boulevard, Suite B
Santa Maria, CA 93455
Phone: (805) 614-6579
Fax: (805) 614-6581

Santa Barbara County Superior Court - Santa Maria Pre-Trial Services
4251 California Boulevard
Santa Maria, CA 93455
Phone: (805) 934-6140
Fax: (805) 934-6323

Santa Barbara County Superior Court - Solvang Division
1745 Mission Drive, Suite C
Solvang, CA 93463
Phone: (805) 686-5040
Fax: (805) 686-7491

Santa Barbara County District Court Records

District court records relate to documents and files generated by a district during case proceedings. The California court system does include the district court. In Santa Barbara County, cases under the Jurisdiction of the district courts elsewhere are handled by the Superior Court. Typically, Santa Barbara County district court (Superior Court) records include documents and files on criminal cases, civil cases, family law cases, juvenile cases, small claims disputes, appeals, probate cases, and traffic violations.

To access Santa Barbara County district court records:

  • Log in to the Superior Court of California County of Santa Barbara Case Information page:
    • Select Public Portal or Civil Portal
    • On the new page, depending on the required information, click Smart Search or Search Hearing.
    • Provide the search criteria (record number or name), check the captcha box, and submit.
  • Identify and visit the specific Santa Barbara County Superior Court that handled the case and request access to the records.

Santa Barbara County Criminal Records

Santa Barbara criminal records are official documents on crimes and criminal prosecutions within Santa Barbara County. Generally, California criminal records are public and accessible to interested persons. However, California laws prohibit public access to certain criminal records. For instance, criminal records of minors and sealed or expunged crime records are restricted from public access.

In Santa Barbara County, the following agencies maintain criminal records:

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office and the local police departments maintain arrest and other pre-adjudication criminal records. To access Santa Barbara County arrest records or other criminal records in the possession of law enforcement:

  • Log in to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office Public Records Request page
    • Create an account to access the request portal
    • Access the search page and make a California Public Records Act request
  • Email criminal records requests to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office at
  • Send a mail request to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office at:
    4434 Calle Real Santa Barbara, CA 93110 ATTN: CPRA
  • Fax a request to (805) 681-5346
  • Call the Sheriff's Office at (805) 681-4180.

For records not available online, visit the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office or the local law enforcement agency responsible for the arrest in person and request access to Santa Barbara arrest records or other pre-trial criminal records.

Santa Barbara County Criminal Court Case Lookup

There are several options for Santa Barbara County post-trial criminal records lookup. To access Santa Barbara County criminal records for cases that made it to trial:

  • Visit the Santa Barbara County Superior Court Case Records Search page to view non-confidential or non-sealed criminal records
  • Log in to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office Quick Access page
    • Click the Who is in Custody link
    • On the new page, provide the name of the inmate and case number.
  • Visit the California Department of Justice Public Records Form page and submit an online request.

To obtain Santa Barbara criminal records in person, visit the Santa Barbara Superior Court courthouse.

Get Santa Barbara County Civil Court Records

Santa Barbara civil court records are documents and files relating to legal cases that do not involve criminal charges. Civil records include documents on divorce, contract disputes, child custody, probate and estate cases, property disputes, family law cases, civil rights violations, personal injury claims, and business litigations.

In Santa Barbara County, the Anacapa, Cook, Lompoc, and Solving divisions of Santa Barbara County Superior Court. Access to Santa Barbara County civil court records is generally public. However, requesters may need authorization and valid IDs to access certain records. In addition, accessing Santa Barbara County civil court records may involve fee payments.

To access Santa Barbara County civil court records, log in to the Santa Barbara County Case Information page and use the Smart Search or Search Hearing portals to look up case records. Also, Santa Barbara County civil court records can be accessed through in-person visits to the specific Superior Court division that handled the case.

Santa Barbara County Family Court Records

Santa Barbara County family court records are official documents and files relating to family-related cases within Santa Barbara County Superior Court. Typically, family law records encompass but are not limited to documents and files on:

  • Divorce
  • Child Custody
  • Paternity Claims
  • Domestic Violence
  • Child Support
  • Restraining Orders
  • Alimony
  • Adoption.

In Santa Barbara County, the Anacapa, Cook, and Lompoc divisions of the Superior Court handle family law cases within the county. Some Santa Barbara County family law court records are accessible, while some are sealed by law. For instance, adoption records, and juvenile delinquency records are not open to public scrutiny. Also, there may be redaction of some information on publicly accessible family law records due to privacy reasons.

The significance of family records must be considered. Family law records are documentation of a part of family history. In addition, family law records offer protection to vulnerable people involved in family law cases and ensure their rights are protected.

To obtain Santa Barbara County family court records, log in to the Santa Barbara County Superior Court Case Information page, access the Smart Search or Search Hearing portals, and search for records on family law cases. In addition to the above, requesters can identify the specific court responsible for the particular case and visit the courthouse in person to request access to family law records.

Santa Barbara Dissolution of Marriage Records

Santa Barbara County dissolution of marriage records are official documents relating to the process of terminating a marriage within Santa Barbara County. Typically, dissolution of marriage records documents include:

  • Petition for Marriage Dissolution
  • Summons
  • Proof of Service
  • Marital Settlement Agreement
  • Child Custody and Visitation Orders (if applicable)
  • Child Support Orders (if applicable)
  • Judgment of Dissolution.

To obtain Santa Barbara County dissolution of marriage records, visit the specific Santa Barbara County Superior Court where the marriage dissolution petition was filed. Also, requesters can call or visit the Santa Barbara County Clerk-Recorder's Office at 1100 Anacapa St Ste 1, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101
Phone: (805) 568-2250

Santa Barbara County Marriage and Divorce Records

Santa Barbara County marriage records are official documents relating to the union of individuals as legal couples. On the other hand, divorce are official documents that finalize the separation of married couples in Santa Barbara County. In California counties, marriage records are public after 50 years. However, recent records are available to the owners and people with tangible interest.

Santa Barbara marriage certificates and divorce records are available through the Santa Barbara County Clerk-Recorder's Office. To access Santa Barbara County marriage records from the Clerk-Recorder's Office:

  • Log in to the Santa Barbara County Clerk-Recorder's Office Vital Records page
  • Scroll down and click Marriage Records
  • Click the Public or Confidential Marriage Certificate Copy Order Application
  • Provide the necessary information to complete the online marriage records request

Also, the Santa Barbara County marriage certificate is accessible through the California Department of Public Health-Vital Records designated third-party vendor. Log in to the Request a Copy of a Vital Record Online page, select any of the designated vendors, and order a marriage certificate online, by phone, fax, or through mail. To access Santa Barbara County divorce records, visit the specific division of the Santa Barbara County Superior Court where the divorce petition was filed.

Santa Barbara County Birth and Death Records

Santa Barbara birth and death records are official documents relating to the birth or death of persons within Santa Barbara County, California. Per California laws, Birth and birth records are confidential documents and access to them is limited to people with tangible interest, or the owners of the birth records. However, the California Department of Public Health makes birth and death records in their possession public 100 years from the day of birth and 50 years from the death of the owners of the records.

Santa Barbara County birth and death records play a crucial role in epidemiological and genealogical research. In addition, Santa Barbara birth certificates and death decrees are official documents for identification and administrative purposes. To obtain a Santa Barbara birth certificate or death record:

  • Visit the California Department of Public Health website and navigate to the Vital Records section
  • Click any of the links to designated third-party websites to access their certificate page
  • Select the records type (birth or death records), make the right choices from the available options, and provide the information necessary to access birth or death records.

Also, Santa Barbara County birth and death records are available through the Santa Barbara County Clerk-Recorder's website:

For assistance in accessing Santa Barbara County birth or death certificates through the Clerk-Recorder's Office, call or write to the Santa Barbara County Clerk-Recorder’s Office at:

Department of Health Services
Office of Vital Records-M.S. 5103
P.O. Box 997410
Sacramento, CA 95899-7410
Phone: (916) 445-2684

Note: Access to Santa Barbara County Vital Records requires fee payments. Also, requesters may need to prove eligibility to access records or show authorization.

Santa Barbara County Probate Court Records

Santa Barbara County probate court records are official documents relating to the administration of a deceased individual's estate within Santa Barbara County, CA. Probate court records encompass but are not limited to documents and files on cases involving:

  • Wills
  • Guardianship
  • Conservatorship
  • Trust Administration
  • Estate Administration.

Generally, probate court documents include creditors’ claims, assets inventory, final accounting, and assets distribution.

In Santa Barbara County, the Superior Court handles cases relating to probate matters. To access Santa Barbara County probate court records:

  • Log in to the Superior Court of California County of Santa Barbara Case Information page and use the Smart Search portal to look for information on probate cases.
  • Visit the Santa Barbara County Superior Court division that handled the probate case.

Also, Santa Barbara County probate court records may be available through the county's Clerk-Recorder's Official Records Search page.

Santa Barbara County Property Records

Santa Barbara property records are official documents and files relating to real estate ownership within the county. Typically, property records include documents and information relating to:

  • Property Ownership
  • Property Deeds
  • Parcel Number
  • Zoning Information
  • Sales History
  • Property Assessment
  • Liens and Encumbrances
  • Plat Maps
  • Property Tax History
  • Property Mortgage.

Santa Barbara County property records are available through the Santa Barbara County Clerk-Recorder's Office. To access Santa Barbara County property records:

  • Log in to the Santa Barbara County Clerk-Recorder's Assessors page
  • Scroll down and click Public Records Request
  • On the new page, click Submit a Record Request to link to the registration page
  • Create an account to access the records search page
  • Log in and search for property records from 1975 to the present
  • To look up real estate records from 1931 to 1934, visit the Santa Barbara County Clerk-Recorder’s Office Historical Index page.

For assistance in locating records not available online, visit the Santa Barbara County Clerk-Recorder's office at:

1100 Anacapa St
Hall of Records
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Santa Barbara County Court Records Online

Third-party online resources like offer a refreshing option for official records searches. One of the many advantages of using third-party online resources for records search is the availability of advanced tools to filter records and shorten the time spent on records search. Some third-party websites provide access to different records from various places and make them available to multiple users at the same time. Obtaining Santa Barbara court records from distant repositories is just a mouse click away. Also, web users can access Santa Barbara County court records from the comfort of their homes and save on the costs of in-person visits. However, users should be mindful of the potential risk of data breaches and the inaccuracy of records and data sourced from third-party websites.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!