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Riverside County Arrest Records

Arrests in Riverside County happen when law enforcement officers have probable cause to believe a person has committed a crime. This can arise from observed criminal activity, reports from witnesses, or the issuance of an arrest warrant by a court. Following an arrest, the individual's personal and descriptive information is collected, and details about their offense are documented in an arrest record. The Riverside County Sheriff's Office is responsible for generating and maintaining arrest records. Arrest records within the county form part of the broader spectrum of public records. These documents are essential for legal proceedings and are often referenced in Riverside County court records.

Are Arrest Records Public in Riverside County?

Yes. Arrest records are generally public, as outlined in the California Public Records Act (CPRA) (Government Code § 6250-6276.48). This statute mandates that local agencies make their records available for public inspection, including arrest records. However, certain types of arrest information are exempt from public disclosure:

  • Preliminary drafts, notes, or interagency/intra-agency memoranda are not retained in the ordinary course of business if withholding outweighs the public interest.
  • Records on pending litigation involving the public agency or claims made under Division 3.6 until finally adjudicated or settled.
  • Personnel, medical, or similar files that would invade personal privacy.
  • Records related to applications filed with state agencies regulating financial institutions and securities, including examination reports, drafts, communications, and confidential information.
  • Geological/geophysical data, plant production data, and similar confidential information.
  • Complaints, investigations, intelligence information, or security procedures of the Attorney General, Department of Justice, Office of Emergency Services, and police agencies.

Eligibility for accessing non-public arrest records often requires a legitimate interest, such as being a party involved in the case, a legal representative, or a law enforcement agency. This ensures that sensitive details are protected while maintaining transparency within the legal system.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Under Section 7923.610 of California's PRA, the following information in a Riverside County arrest record is public:

  • Full name and occupation of the arrested individual.
  • Physical description, including date of birth, eye and hair color, sex, height, and weight.
  • Time and date of the arrest and booking.
  • Location of the arrest.
  • Factual circumstances surrounding the arrest.
  • Amount of bail set.
  • Time and manner of release or the location where the individual is held.
  • All charges, including outstanding warrants from other jurisdictions, parole holds, and probation holds.

Riverside County Crime Rate

According to crime data collected by the California Department of Justice (DOJ), property crimes were the most reported offenses in Riverside County in 2022. There were 36,719 incidents of larceny-theft, followed by motor vehicle theft (10,761) and burglary (8,951). Larceny-theft types included theft from motor vehicles (11,484), shoplifting (5,164), and theft of motor vehicle accessories (4,743).

Violent crimes comprised a smaller portion of the total crime, with 8,122 reported incidents. Aggravated assault was the most common violent offense, making up 70% (5,696) of violent crimes, followed by robbery with 1,784 incidents, and rape with 1,058 incidents, including 529 forcible rapes. Homicides were relatively low at 113. This data highlights the prevalence of property crimes and the significant occurrence of violent crimes like aggravated assault and robbery

Riverside County Arrest Statistics

The California Department of Justice (DOJ) also publishes arrest data under the Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR). In 2022, Riverside County had 38,540 arrests. There were 23,908 arrests for misdemeanor offenses, accounting for 62.0% of the total arrests. The data also reported 14,530 felony arrests (37.7% of total arrests) as well as 102 arrests for status offenses.

Find Riverside County Arrest Records

Most arrests in Riverside County are carried out by county law enforcement, which includes over 26 police departments. To find an arrest record, contact the police department that made the arrest. For example, if the Riverside Police Department made the arrest, contact the Department at (951) 826-5700 or visit the agency in person. Each office has its procedures before arrest records can be accessed. Generally, the interested party would need to provide relevant information such as:

  • The arrestee's full name
  • The arrestee's date of birth, if known
  • Date and location of the incident
  • Requester's contact information
  • A valid government-issued ID to verify eligibility for non-public records.

For parties looking for someone arrested by local law enforcement and jailed before arraignment, contacting the arresting Department for inmate location and arrest records is necessary. For example, if the Moreno Valley Police Department made the arrest, interested individuals can contact them at:

Moreno Valley Police Department
22850 Calle San Juan De Los Lagos
Moreno Valley, CA 92553
Phone: (951) 486-6700

Furthermore, interested individuals can use the "Inmate Locator" portal on the Riverside County Sheriff's website to find arrestees jailed by the court after an arraignment. Search by entering the last name, first name, date of birth, and gender.

  • Contact the Riverside County Sheriff's Office for inmate location details or available records for arrests made by state agencies.
  • For federal arrests, the suspect will likely be held in federal custody until arraignment. Use the Federal Inmate Locator to search by name or number to find the inmate's location and then contact the facility for more information.

Free Arrest Record Search in Riverside County

Riverside County arrest records can be obtained through in-person or walk-in requests at the arresting Department. These requests are free unless a record or file must be physically produced. Additionally, the Riverside County Sheriff's website offers an online Inmate Locator for retrieving public arrest information for individuals in a Riverside County jail facility.

Another way to find county arrest records is using third-party public records databases. These online platforms are managed by private companies that gather public information from multiple government sources, including law enforcement agencies. Typically, users can perform a free search using a person's first and last name on these sites. However, accessing a detailed report on the individual's arrests usually requires a fee.

Get Riverside County Criminal Records

Criminal records are official documents detailing an individual's criminal history, including arrests, charges, convictions, and sentences. Law enforcement agencies and courts maintain them and serve as a comprehensive account of a person's interactions with the criminal justice system.

Access to criminal history summary records held by the California Department Of Justice is legally limited to legitimate law enforcement and authorized applicant agencies. However, individuals can request their criminal history record from the Department to verify its accuracy and completeness. Requests from third parties are unauthorized and will not be processed.

Process for Obtaining Criminal History Records from the DOJ:

  • Riverside/California residents must submit fingerprints using the Live Scan Form
  • Select "Record Review" as the "Type of Application"
  • Enter "Record Review" on the "Reason for Application" line.
  • Complete all personal information and pay the DOJ a $25 processing fee.

Fingerprinting services are obtainable at most local police departments, sheriff's offices, and any public applicant's Live Scan site. Applicants can locate nearby sites and check fingerprint rolling fees, and acceptable payment methods.

Non-California resident applicants must do a manual fingerprint submission:

  • Print out the "Application to Obtain a Copy of State Summary Criminal History Record" form.
  • Follow the instructions on the form.
  • The fingerprint card must include the full name, date of birth, sex, and return mailing address. For assistance obtaining a blank fingerprint card, contact the Record Review Unit at (916) 227-3849.
  • Ensure the fingerprint card includes full name, date of birth, sex, and return mailing address.
  • Submit either a personal check drawn on a U.S. bank, money order, or certified check, payable to the "California Department of Justice".

Mail the application, fingerprint card, and processing fee to:

California Department of Justice
Bureau of Criminal Identification and Analysis
Record Review & Challenge Section
P.O. Box 160207
Sacramento, CA 95816-0207.

Riverside County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Criminal records provide a comprehensive history of an individual's interactions with the legal system, including arrests, charges, court proceedings, convictions, and sentences. Maintained by law enforcement agencies and courts, these records offer a detailed account of a person's criminal activity and outcomes.

Conversely, arrest records document specific instances of law enforcement taking a person into custody. They include information such as the date and location of the arrest, charges filed, and personal details of the arrestee. Unlike criminal records, arrest records do not indicate the outcome of the charges, such as convictions or acquittals.

While arrest records focus on the initial act of arrest, criminal records encompass the entire judicial process, providing a more complete picture of an individual's criminal history.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Indefinitely. Arrests can remain on record in perpetuity under California law, as there is no set time frame for their removal. However, County law enforcement agencies may have their retention policies. In such cases, arrest records are kept until an individual turns 100 years old or until they are expunged or sealed.

Expunge Riverside County Arrest Records

In Riverside County, the process for sealing or expunging arrest information varies depending on the circumstances and legal criteria

Generally, expungement in California primarily applies to criminal convictions, as governed by Penal Code sections 1203.4 and 1203.4a. This process allows eligible individuals to have their convictions dismissed, though it does not remove the arrest record itself. To qualify for expungement, one must have completed probation, fulfilled any waiting periods, and have no pending charges.

To initiate the expungement process, the individual must file a petition using Form CR-180 with the court that handled the case. The petition asks the court to reopen the case, withdraw the guilty plea, enter a not-guilty plea, and dismiss the conviction. While this changes the status of the sentence, it does not seal or remove the arrest record.

Meanwhile, the provisions for sealing arrest records is covered under Penal Code section 851.8 and typically applies to individuals who were arrested but not charged or convicted. To qualify, one must be factually innocent, meaning the arrest did not result in charges, the charges were dropped, or the individual was acquitted in court.

To seal an arrest record, the individual must petition the relevant law enforcement agency or court using Form BCIA 8270. This petition must include details about the arrest and evidence supporting the claim of factual innocence. If the petition is sanctioned, the arrest record will be sealed and eventually destroyed, making it inaccessible to most entities, including employers.

Riverside County Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant in Riverside County is an order signed by a judge or magistrate, allowing a peace officer to arrest a suspect. Arrests can occur with or without a warrant under California Penal Code § 836, with warrantless arrests justified by probable cause, such as witnessing a crime.

To issue an arrest warrant, an investigating officer must establish probable cause, often through an affidavit submitted to the court. A warrant can also be issued following a grand jury indictment or a criminal complaint filed by a city or district attorney after reviewing a police report.

According to California Penal Code § 815, an arrest warrant contains:

  • The name of the defendant.
  • The time of issuance.
  • The city or county where it is issued.
  • The signature of the issuing magistrate, judge, justice, or other issuing authority.
  • The title of the issuing authority's office.
  • The name of the issuing court or agency.

Riverside County Arrest Warrant Search

To find active warrants in Riverside County, individuals can contact the warrants hotline of the County Sheriff's Office by calling (951) 955-2430. Note that unexecuted warrant information is only available to the warrant subject and their attorney after identity verification. Executed arrest warrants are available to the public if their release does not compromise an active criminal investigation.

Do Riverside County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. Arrest warrants in Riverside County typically do not expire. Warrants remain active until the individual is apprehended, the issuing court recalls the warrant, or the case is resolved. Factors that might affect the status of an arrest warrant include the severity of the offense, the jurisdiction's resources and priorities, and any subsequent legal actions or changes in the individual's circumstances, such as turning oneself in or legal intervention. Some minor warrants may be deprioritized over time but remain legally active until formally addressed.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!