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Orange County Arrest Records

Per California Penal Code § 833 - 851, an arrest involves taking a person into custody by a peace officer or a private person in a manner authorized by law. Arrests typically occur in Orange County when law enforcement officers have probable cause to believe that an individual has committed a crime. This can involve a variety of offenses, ranging from misdemeanors to felonies. Once arrested, individuals are usually held at detention facilities until they appear in court or are released on bail.

The agency responsible for generating arrest records in Orange County is the Orange County Sheriff's Department. This department maintains comprehensive records of arrests made within the county, which include details such as the date and time of arrest, the charges filed against the individual, and any related information.

Arrest records in Orange County are closely related to other public records, such as Orange County Court Records. These records often intersect as court proceedings are initiated following arrests, and court records may contain information about the outcome of the arrest, including whether charges were filed, dismissed, or resulted in a conviction. As such, individuals seeking information about arrests in Orange County may also find valuable information in Orange County Court Records, providing a more complete picture of legal proceedings related to specific arrests.

Are Arrest Records Public in Orange County?

Yes. In Orange County, arrest records are generally public according to the California Government Code § 7923.610. The law mandates that certain details about an arrest must be disclosed to the public.

However, there are specific exemptions. Information that would endanger the safety of a witness or other involved person, or that would compromise the successful completion of an investigation, is exempt from public disclosure. Additionally, the names of victims of specific crimes (such as sexual offenses or human trafficking) can be withheld at the victim's request. Access to detailed records might also require a declaration that the request is for scholarly, journalistic, political, or governmental purposes or for investigation by a licensed private investigator, with the stipulation that the information will not be used for commercial purposes.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Public arrest records contain information as mandated by the California Government Code § 7923.610:

  • The full name and occupation of the individual arrested.
  • A physical description of the individual, including date of birth, eye and hair color, sex, height, and weight.
  • The time and date of the arrest.
  • The time and date of booking.
  • The location where the arrest occurred.
  • The factual circumstances surrounding the arrest.
  • The amount of bail set.
  • The time and manner of release
  • The location where the individual is currently being held.
  • All charges the individual is being held upon, including any outstanding warrants from other jurisdictions, parole holds, and probation holds.

Orange County Crime Rate

According to the most recent crime data made available on the Open Justice Portal by the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC), 69,165 offenses were reported in Orange County in 2022. Property crimes accounted for 86.5% (59,875) of all reported offenses, while violent crimes accounted for 12.9% (8,955).

Within the category of property crimes, the most common offenses were larceny-theft, burglary, and motor vehicle theft. Of all property offenses, larceny-theft accounted for 68.6% (41,091), with burglary coming in second at 17.2% (10,304) and motor vehicle theft at 14.1% (8,480).

However, the top three violent crimes were aggravated assault, robbery, and rape. Of all violent crimes, 69.6% (6,236) were classified as aggravated assault, with robbery coming in second at 21.3% (1,913) and rape at 8.3% (746).

Orange County Arrest Statistics

The Open Justice Portal, facilitated by the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC), also published arrest data revealing that Orange County witnessed 63,568 arrests in 2022. Of these, 23.1% (14,677) were felony arrests, while 76.8% (48,860) were misdemeanors. Status offenses constituted a negligible fraction, at 0.05% (31).

Within felony arrests, violent offenses were the largest category at 32.9% (4,821), followed closely by property violations at 27.8% (4,071). Drug offenses represented 10.2% (1,503), sexual offenses accounted for 2.1% (306), with the remaining 27.1% (3,976) attributed to other felony offenses.

Find Orange County Arrest Records

This section should focus on state and federal resources for looking up inmates—what they are and how to use them.

To find Orange County arrest records, individuals can utilize state and federal resources. For arrests conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), suspects are typically held in federal custody until arraignment. Interested parties can search the Federal Inmate Locator by name or number to identify the inmate's holding facility. They can then contact the facility for further information.

In cases of arrests by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), individuals can utilize the Online Detainee Locator System. If the required information is not available online, they can contact a local field office or the specific ICE detention facility, if known, for assistance.

Free Arrest Record Search in Orange County

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department manages bookings for the county's jails. It offers comprehensive details on recently booked and released individuals, updating its inmate database daily. The Sheriff's Department website features an inmate lookup tool enabling users to locate inmates in Orange County's correctional facilities free of charge. Requesters can utilize the prisoner's name, age, and gender to conduct an Orange County inmate search. Search results provide an overview of the prisoner's profile and information regarding their conviction(s) or charge(s). The database encompasses details on individuals released within the last 30 days as well as those currently incarcerated.

Get Orange County Criminal Records

Criminal records, often called a criminal history or rap sheet, are official documents that provide a comprehensive account of an individual's criminal history. These records typically include details about arrests, charges, convictions, sentences, and any parole or probation status. They are maintained by various law enforcement agencies, courts, and correctional facilities.

To obtain criminal records from Orange County, requesters may contact the California Department of Justice (DOJ). To obtain a copy of their criminal history record, individuals must:

  • Obtain Live Scan fingerprints from a certified Live Scan location. They can contact their local law enforcement agency or other available locations.
  • Complete the Request for Live Scan Service form (BCIA 8016).
  • Pay the required $25 processing fee to the DOJ.
  • Ensure all necessary information is accurate and complete before submitting the request.

Orange County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

In Orange County, arrest records and criminal records are distinct. Arrest records document instances when law enforcement officers detain individuals suspected of criminal activity. These records typically include details, such as the arrest date, charges, and identifying information.

However, criminal records extend beyond arrests to encompass the resolution of legal cases. They detail the charges brought against individuals, the type of offense committed, and any associated fines or sentencing.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

According to the California Government Code, arrest records remain indefinitely. The state does not set a specific timeframe for purging or erasing these records. Law enforcement agencies in Orange County follow their own records retention schedules but also transmit arrest records to various state and federal criminal justice agencies, each with its own retention policies. The California Department of Justice (DOJ) maintains the most comprehensive criminal files in the state, retaining records until an individual reaches 100 years old. Generally, the only legitimate way to remove an arrest from one's record in Los Angeles or California is through expungement or sealing.

Expunge Orange County Arrest Records

California's expungement laws apply to criminal convictions, specifically to certain felonies and misdemeanors. An eligible defendant can petition the court using Form CR-180 to reopen a case, withdraw the guilty plea, enter a plea of not guilty, and close the case without a conviction. However, this process does not erase the arrest records or charges, nor does it seal the conviction. Additional details are available on the California judiciary's Clean Your Record page or in Cal. Pen. Code §§ 1203.4 and 1203.4a.

In contrast, California's sealing laws for adult arrest records typically apply when no charges or convictions were filed against a person. For instance, Cal. Pen. Code § 851.8 allows sealing when an adult was arrested but later found "factually innocent". This includes situations where no charges were filed after an arrest, the individual was acquitted, or the prosecutor dropped the charges. In such cases, the individual can submit Form BCIA 8270 (Seal and Destroy Adult Arrest Records) to the arresting police department and provide a copy to the relevant city or district attorney's office.

If no remedies are obtained from the police department, or if the individual was charged but acquitted or had the charges dismissed, they can petition the Los Angeles County Superior Court. There are no fees for submitting this petition.

Furthermore, Cal. Pen. Code § 851.91 allows sealing for defendants whose arrests did not result in a conviction, including scenarios where:

  • The defendant was arrested but not charged.
  • The defendant completed a diversion program, leading to the dismissal of charges.
  • The defendant was charged, but the charges were dismissed.
  • The defendant completed a deferred entry of judgment (DEJ), resulting in the dismissal of charges.
  • The defendant went to trial and was found not guilty.

Affected individuals can file a Petition to Seal Arrest and Related Records (Form CR-409) with the court. Form CR-409-INFO provides instructions on completing and submitting the petition and outlines other methods for sealing or restricting public access to arrest records.

Orange County Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant is a court order or magistrate-issued legal document that gives police officers the right to make an arrest. They mitigate the abuse of people's rights and permit the pursuit of justice by ensuring law enforcement agencies follow the law. Arrest warrants are issued in Orange County when there is probable cause to believe that an individual has committed a crime, when someone fails to show up for court, or when someone violates the terms of their probation or parole. To get a warrant, prosecutors or law enforcement officials submit evidence to a magistrate or court, and then a judge or magistrate issues an arrest warrant if they are persuaded that there is probable cause.

An arrest warrant in Orange County contains the following:

  • Suspect's Details: complete name, physical description, and any known aliases.
  • Description of the purported infraction
  • The name and position of the issuing magistrate or judge.
  • Other details: The warrant also specifies the precise date and time it was issued, and it guides law enforcement officials on how to carry out the warrant, including any restrictions or unique requirements.

Orange County Arrest Warrant Search

Information on active warrants in Orange County is only available to the warrant subjects and their attorneys. However, records of executed warrants whose release will not compromise criminal justice processes are available from the County Sheriff's Office and the Orange County Superior Court.

Residents can use the Warrant Search Tool provided by the Orange County Sheriff's Office to quickly and freely check if someone is wanted. The search can be conducted using criteria such as first name, last name, middle name, and date of birth.

Additionally, the Superior Court of Orange County Case Search Tool can be used to locate criminal records and determine if a warrant has been issued. The case overview will indicate "Fugitive" if a warrant exists. Alternatively, individuals can visit any Superior Court of Orange County location and request a warrant search via the court clerk.

Do Orange County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. Arrest warrants in Orange County generally do not expire. Once issued, they remain valid until law enforcement apprehends the individual named on the warrant or the court recalls it. While arrest warrants themselves do not have an expiration date, their enforceability can be influenced by factors like the statute of limitations for the underlying crime. Prosecuting the case may become more challenging if the statute of limitations has lapsed.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!