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Contra Costa County Arrest Records

According to Penal Code Section 834, an arrest is a full seizure of an individual under probable cause. In Contra Costa, law enforcement agencies may apprehend any member of society for breaking federal, state, or county ordinances based on direct investigation, circumstantial evidence, or second-hand reliable reports. A private person or peace officer may also make an arrest if the individual is the subject of a writ order, defiles a court order, or violates probation.

Once an arrest is made by reasonable force or the individual’s submission to the arresting officer’s authority, the suspect will be taken into custody and booked at the Contra Costa Detention Facility or the nearest police station. The succeeding legal procedures determine the individual's guilt or innocence.

Booking creates official files called ‘arrest records.’ Contra Costa arrest records detail alleged offenses, the offender’s personal information, and detainment. These records serve as helpful resources for the district attorney to press reasonable charges. Consequently, they constitute a part of public files for tracking a person’s criminal behaviors or prosecution of cases, including the generation of Contra Costa County court records.

Are Arrest Records Public in Contra Costa County?

Yes, According to the California Public Records Act (PRA), arrest records are public in Contra Costa County. Per the act, all members of the society are awarded a fundamental right of access to public documents maintained by government bodies. This includes arrest records maintained by criminal justice agencies.

Still, several restrictions guide the public's access to arrest information, as declared in the PRA. These include:

  • Sensitive identifying information, including social security, phone, and driver's license numbers
  • Criminal justice agencies' investigatory information
  • Juvenile arrest information
  • Offender record information
  • Identifying information of an informant
  • Information that may endanger a law enforcement criminal investigation, proceeding, or public safety
  • Certain victim information (Cal. Gov. Code § 7923.615)
  • Information that may endanger the safety of a witness or someone involved in an incident
  • Certain details of pending litigation
  • Medical files

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Under Cal. Gov. Code § 7923.610, Public Contra Costa arrest records bear the following information:

  • Arrestee Personal Identifying Information: This includes the suspect's first and last name, birth date, occupation, and physical descriptors like their eye and hair color, sex, weight, and height.
  • Arrest Information: This includes the nature of the offense, type of offense, circumstances surrounding the arrest, time, date, and location of arrest.
  • Booking Information: The booking time, date, and location of the detention facility.
  • Charges: Chargers for arrest, outstanding warrants, and parole holds.
  • Release Details: The bond/bail amount and the time and reason for release.

Contra Costa County Crime Rate

The Contra Costa County crime rate published by the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) on its Open Justice Portal puts the county’s crime total at 28,993. Per the data, Contra Costa County recorded 4,674 violent crimes, 24,088 property crimes, and 231 arson incidents in 2022.

Of the reported violent crimes, aggravated assault (3,187 incidents) and robbery (1,146 incidents) were the most common offenses. On the other hand, the prevalent property crimes were larceny (16,098 incidents), motor vehicle theft (4,724 incidents), and burglary (3,266 incidents).

Contra Costa County Arrest Statistics

Contra Costa arrest statistics released by the BSCC reveal a sum of 18,297 arrests occurring locally in 2022. Of these arrests, felony arrests constituted 7,693, while misdemeanor arrests were 10,604.

In the offense category, violent offenses account for the most prevalent arrest at (2,208) of the total, followed closely by property and drug offenses at (2,073 arrests) and (2,375 arrests) respectively.

Find Contra Costa County Arrest Records

People who are looking to find Contra Costa County arrest records can contact the local law enforcement agency that made the arrest. Each agency observes strict procedures, payment schedules, and processing times for request petitions sent to their Record Bureaus or Divisions.

The Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff Records Division serves as the repository and records management center for individuals to retrieve arrest records for the unincorporated communities and Sheriff’s contract cities within the county. County citizens can request arrest records at the Records Division counter during business hours.

Anyone can email or contact:

2530 Arnold Drive, Suite 170
Martinez, CA 94553
Office: (925) 335-1570
Fax: (925) 335-1588

On the other hand, anyone requesting juvenile arrest information must fill out and submit the petition form first.

Note: To request arrest records, one must present a valid means of identification. Also, record requests typically take ten processing days. While record requests are free under the PRA, the record unit may charge a nominal fee for processing and logistics. Interested persons can make payment in cash, or check.

While the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office serves as the retrieval unit for unincorporated communities, the city police department maintains individual records of arrests carried out by them. For example, the Antioch City Police Department requires individuals to call the records bureau at (925) 779-6830 to confirm record availability. Afterward, the person can visit the Antioch Police Department, Front Counter, to fill out a request form with a valid CA Driver’s License or ID Card.

On the other hand, individuals can obtain arrest reports generated by the City of Martinez Police Department via the request form on the city's website. Record requests must include the arrestee’s full name, contact/mailing address, report number, copy of a valid driver's License, ID card, or passport, and a self-addressed stamped envelope. Requests may take up to 10 processing days.

One can call the records clerk at (925) 372-3443 or send requests to:

Martinez PD Records
525 Henrietta Street
Martinez, CA 94553
Phone: (925) 372-3443
Fax: (925) 228-3753

Each law enforcement agency charges different fees for processing copies of arrest records. For example, the Martinez Police Department charges a $3 reproduction fee, while the Antioch City Police Department issues copies for free to victims of domestic violence, the first copy for free to crime victims, and a $21 processing fee to record subjects.

Aside from the sheriff’s office and city police departments, the Contra Costa Superior Court also maintains arrest information as a part of public court records. Thus, members of the society can obtain these records by contacting the Superior Court at 725 Court Street, Martinez, or calling (925) 608-1000.

Meanwhile, state and federal criminal justice agencies may conduct an arrest within the county and such arrest records can be obtained through any of the following means:

Free Arrest Record Search in Contra Costa County

Individuals can conduct free Contra Costa County arrest record searches by making a public records request to a Contra Costa law enforcement agency. For instance, the county sheriff's office provides two different avenues for one to find arrest information:

  • Visit the Public Records Portal
  • Select either the In-Custody Locator or Arrest Information
  • The arrest log contains summaries of the arrest incidents generated and investigated by the Office of the Contra Costa County Sheriff. One can find the arrestee’s full name, date of arrest, booking number, date of birth, warrant information, warrant bail amount, release information, charges, charges bail amount, and bail amount. These logs are typically removed from the website after approximately 30 days from the time they are posted.
  • Conversely, the In-Custody Locator provides details of people arrested by the sheriff’s office and in custody at the detention facility. Information on the portal changes as the person moves through the judicial process. The search parameters are the arrestee’s first and last name and booking number.

Note: Certain arrest information is not available on the portals. This includes access to sex assault victims' information per Penal Code 293 and Government Code 6254(f)(2). Also, the summaries do not reveal the arrest location of certain types of crimes like domestic violence, sex offenses, crimes against children, and mental health patients apprehended and detained under the Welfare and Institutions Code 5150.

Further, some police departments like Brentwood City Police Department provide an online database for people to request arrest information. Requesters are advised to provide comprehensive details for ease of record search and retrieval, alongside a photo/copy of their ID. Anyone requesting arrest records for someone else must submit a subpoena or court order for the records. Likewise, attorneys must provide a letter of authorization to obtain arrest information. For additional assistance, individuals can contact the Brentwood Police Records Division at (925) 809-7910 or email

Finally, requesters may explore third-party portals to find Contra Costa arrest information. Most private aggregate platforms are run by private individuals who collate arrest records from diverse law enforcement agencies. While members of the public may search the repositories for free, users may subscribe to the website or pay a one-time fee to retrieve comprehensive arrest information.

Get Contra Costa County Criminal Records

Contra Costa County criminal records also called RAP sheets detail a person’s interactions with the criminal justice system. This includes arrests, detainments, prosecutions, and dispositions. Under the Cal. Pen. Code § 13320-13323 (for local criminal files) and Cal. Pen. Code § 11105 (for statewide criminal information), subjects of record can request criminal history information summary to examine and refute any erroneous information.

To obtain a copy of a Contra Costa County criminal record, one can apply for local record review in person or mail the local sheriff's Records Unit at:

2530 Arnold Drive, Suite 170
Martinez, CA 94553
Office: (925) 335-1570
Fax: (925) 335-1588

Records personnel provide information regarding police reports, out-of-custody inmate inquiries, and clearance letters. Any existing criminal record will be provided to interested parties at a fee of $25 paid by cash-exact change or check. Further, the applicant may be required to submit a fingerprint form for proper identification and processing.

Subjects who have criminal records in other California counties may request a statewide criminal background check from the California Department of Justice (DOJ) for $25. Individuals will be required to submit fingerprints and a Live Scan Form to the DOJ through a Live Scan operator. Live scan operators typically charge a nominal fee for the service. The DOJ’s Request Your Own Criminal Record page bears more detailed information and guidelines for ordering criminal record checks within and outside the state.

Finally, federal arrestees may submit a record check request to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for $18.

Contra Costa County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

"Arrest record" and "Criminal record" generally refer to a person’s criminal involvement, albeit with different meanings and implications. An arrest is simply a summary of a person’s arrest incidents. It often bears details of the circumstances and outcomes of single or numerous arrests. However, it does not mean that the person was convicted for said crime.

Conversely, a criminal record provides insight into a subject’s arrest, warrants, convictions, sentences, probation, and so much more. Thus, it places more implications on a person’s future endeavors, like licensing, bank loans, employment, housing, and school admission.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Forever. Whether a person is convicted or not, their arrest history is a permanent part of the criminal record unless sealed or expunged by the court. Individuals can petition the court to expunge or seal the arrest information from the public domain if they qualify for it. Regardless, numerous criminal justice agencies utilize retention schedules to maintain arrest records in their custody. Notably, the California DOJ preserves its records until the person reaches 100 years of age.

Expunge Contra Costa County Arrest Records

To expunge Contra Costa County arrest records, eligible individuals can petition the court by filing Form CR-409 (a Petition to Seal Arrest and Related Records) with the Contra Costa County Superior Court. Under Cal. Pen. Code § 851.91, anyone who is confirmed to be factually innocent after an arrest or detention may request record sealing or expungement.

Once filed, the court will serve a copy of the petition to the arresting criminal justice agency and the city or county prosecutor at least 15 days before the hearing date. Form CR-409-INFO contains detailed information and procedures.

Per Section 851.91, a defendant’s record must satisfy certain requirements including, no charges filed, the charges were dismissed in court, or the court entered a "not guilty" verdict.

Still, the subject of the record must receive an immediate arrest record sealing from the DOJ per Cal. Pen. Code § 851.93. In cases like this, the petitioner may not need to file an additional petition with the court.

Further, anyone who wishes to seal a juvenile record may file a Request to Seal Juvenile Records (Form JV-595) with the Contra Costa County probation department. Form JV-595-INFO contains helpful guides.

If a petitioner's request to seal or expunge an arrest record is approved, the individual may claim that they have never had an arrest record. Consequently, members of the public cannot have access to the record. Still, criminal justice agencies and other authorized persons can retrieve the record,

Finally, the California Judicial Branch's Clean Your Record page provides helpful guidance for anyone looking to expunge an arrest record history or conviction in Contra Costa County.

While sealing arrest records hides the conviction from public eyes, expungement in California is simply a dismissal. The implication is that anyone can still access the record or conviction. Nonetheless, eligible defendants can petition the Contra Costa County Superior Court to seal the conviction.

Contra Costa County Arrest Warrants

A Contra Costa County arrest warrant is an authorized order issued by a magistrate or judge of a reputable court standing authorizing a peace officer to arrest a named person. According to Cal. Pen. Code § 817 and the U.S. Fourth Amendment, law enforcement officers are not allowed to apprehend someone without providing ‘probable cause’, also known as the established evidence or grounds that would convince the court that an individual is guilty of committing a crime. The burden of proof rests on the law enforcement officer requesting the warrant, which is typically provided through an affidavit filed alongside the official criminal complaint.

Under Cal. Pen. Code § 815, the warrant will contain the suspect's name, alleged offense, issuing time, issuing city or county, issuing judge’s signature and title of office, issuing court, executing officer/agency, and bail amount, if any.

Per Cal. Pen. Code § 840, the arrest warrant allows the peace officer to arrest suspects at any time of the day or night. Still, misdemeanor warrants must be executed between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. unless the warrant allows nighttime execution. Contra Costa County Arrest Warrant Search.

Contra Costa County Arrest Warrant Search

To find active arrest warrants in Contra Costa County, record subjects can explore online court records through the Contra Costa County Superior Court website. People can search the portal with the subject name or record number without a user login. Instructional guides are provided on the portal for new users. One can also contact the courthouse for inquiries.

Alternatively, the Contra Costa Sheriff's Office Records Unit also receives walk-in requests for existing arrest warrants. This method of inquiry will require a person to visit the local police station, and the requester will be asked for a photo ID.

Do Contra Costa County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. Contra Costa valid arrest warrants do not expire until the arresting officer executes the order.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
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